Hi there, I’m Susie! I was born and raised in Colorado and have lived here my entire life minus a six month stint when I lived in Oklahoma City. I have been married over 10 years to my husband, Vince, and we have two daughters, Lila and Winnie, two cats, and a dog. I went to the University of Colorado at Boulder where I got my Bachelor’s Degree in English Literature. I worked as a Store Manager for DSW Shoes for 13 years before I had my oldest daughter. While on maternity leave with her, my husband got a pay bump at work that made it easier for me to stay at home. I’ve been a stay-at-home mom since! I volunteer as “room mom” for both of my girls’ classes, help tutor students in reading, and am President of the local elementary’s School Accountability Committee, as well as VP of the school PTO. I live for traveling the world with my family, cooking, baking, hosting parties, collecting holiday home decor, and hanging out with my girl friends and my cousin, Mary, who is also my BFF and partner in crime.
When I was five and my brother was four, he was diagnosed with Autism. Watching him deal with bullies and having to try to fit in changed my view of the world. I felt like I had to protect him and watch out for him, but it also led me to be a more empathetic person in general. In 2008, he took his own life which sent mine and my family’s lives on a totally different trajectory. After losing him I learned how to value my true friends and relationships and weed out everything else. I love the quote, “Be around people who let you feel the sun” because it’s a motto I live by. Why waste our time and energy on people who are fucking energy vampires?! I am still learning to give less of a shit what people think. You can’t please everyone and not everyone will like you, but that’s okay! It’s what’s given me the courage to start this crazy blog and put myself out there on social media.
On a lighter note, I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 6 years old so I have 35 years of knowing what it’s like to not be able to find something to eat at a restaurant. Luckily those days have passed now that so many people are embracing plant-based diets, but I still have a plethora of vegetarian recipes to share with you. Since I am tall, I’m always on the quest for jeans and swimsuits that don’t go right up my ass, so I have lots of fashion posts on my Instagram page. I have a sailor mouth, but still believe firmly in good manners, being respectful to those around us/our planet/animals, sending legit thank you cards, and being nice to waiters and retail workers. Always. I hope you enjoy this blog as much as I’ve been enjoying writing it!
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